For the whole of December, I am going to use this opportunity to countdown different ways we can all help to improve our mental health, by taking tiny steps each day, we can build on our self-development and learn about ourselves. By doing this in December we can use our new thought processes and kick off the new year with a whole new determination! Yes, we may not be celebrating this month in the way we would normally want to but, but that doesn’t mean that we have to roll it through to 2021 and use it as an excuse to have another year suffering. I have certainly used 2020 to its full advantage and I have changed my mindset, started on my road to recovery and am genuinely excited to see what will happen next year and how far I can go to improving my mental health.
1st December 2020
Kicking off the Christmas advent with JOURNALING!
We have all written letters, diaries and stories when we were younger! Now we need to start using a more direct approach, to find out what is going on with us at a subconscious level. By using specific techniques, we can really start to question our emotions, our beliefs and bring clarity to our decisions!
So tonight, pour that glass of wine, snuggle up with a blanket, pen and paper, and get writing
Get out that luxury bubble bath, the face mask hidden at the back of the cupboard and your favourite book! Spend time, just on you! Relax! Don’t think about the all the chores that need doing, ignore the wrestling from the front room and just wallow!
Taking a break from your normal routine and pampering yourself, will replenish your skin, make you feel more confident and help you to reduce your anxiety levels.
The past few weeks I have been really concentrating on my skin, making sure I remove all my make up at the end of the day, cleanse, tone and use a facial oil to moisturise my skin overnight. I have noticed such a difference whilst applying my make up!
3rd December 2020
Day 3 of the advent Mental Health Countdown!
Let’s Get Moving!
Today, is all about incorporating some simple exercises into your daily routine. Now I am not expecting a full-on Zumba work out! You can add short exercises into your daily routines very simply. Why not do 10 shoulder to toes touches while you are waiting for the kettle to boil? Why not walk up and down the stairs an extra time during the day for no reason. Why not dance for 1 whole song from the radio? It’s all about getting your body and up and about!
4th December 2020
Day 4 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Today is all about focusing on your breathing, relaxing and spending 5 mins clearing your thoughts. Sit quietly, relax your facial muscles, release your tongue from the roof of your mouth, drop your shoulders and uncross your legs. Close your eyes and breathing in to the count of 5 and then slowly back out to the count of 5. Pay attention to your lungs filling, your chest rising and falling. If your attention wanders to a daily task or something you need to do, then snap back into thinking about your breathing and counting!
5th December 2020
Day 5 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
What does your heart truly desire? What would help you right now?
You need to start asking the universe to help you! To get the universe back on your side you need to truly believe in its help, keep positive at all times. The whole world is made up of vibrations, including us as humans, if we only generate negativity energy, then the universe can’t fight you to let the positives shine through! Stay positive and ask clearly for what you need right now!
6th December 2020
Day 6 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Spirit Guides
Whether you believe or not, your spirit guides are always with you helping you along your way. Start to pay attention to the signs around you, that they are helping you and keeping you safe. Ask them for a sign, to show you they are surrounding you. Spirit guides are a beautiful energy source, that manifest themselves in the objects around you, through a sense or feeling. Do you know who your spirit guide is?
7th December 2020
Day 7 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Read A Book
When was the last time you read a book? Its amazing how we get so caught up in the daily chaos of life, we are so busy getting all the chores, shopping and tasks done that we never spend time to ourselves. By absorbing yourself into a good book, allows your imagination to run wild, stop thinking about the here and now. By switching off from reality, it gives our brains and our mental health a little bit of a break!
8th December 2020
Day 8 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Take A Social Media Break
Just for tonight, turn your phone on airplane mode, put it in a drawer on leave it somewhere out of sight so you won’t be tempted to pick it up. Find other ways to entertain yourself, watch tele, take a bath. Its amazing how reliant on social media we have become and sat mindlessly scrolling through social media, not really paying attention to it. Take that break and relax!!!
9th December 2020
Day 9 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Get an Early Night
When was the last time, you actually had an early night? Snuggled into clean fresh PJ’s and get a decent night sleep? Well tonight is your night! Make sure that you have everything ready for the morning, forget everything you don’t need to be doing right now and curl up! Use a lavender sleep spray, have a warm bath, nice cup of tea and dim the lights!
10th December 2020
Day 10 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Empower Yourself
Empowerment is a personal power, a responsibility to yourself, an understanding of consequences. Techniques to develop skills, for self-sufficiency and a new way of living. The end results of Empowerment are: -
Stronger Task Satisfaction Increase Performance Commitment Strength Freedom
Definitive Right Enhanced Power Greater Knowledge.
You need to start believing in yourself! You are amazing, unique and truly beautiful! Remember that!
11th December 2020
Day 11 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Have A Chat!
Pick up that phone! A friend, a family member, anyone. Sit back and relax, put the world to rights, whinge and whine, laugh and joke! By relieving our thoughts and sharing with others, its proven that talking helps to improve our mental health! Remember the saying “a problem shared is a problem halved”! Well its true, its amazing how your mood can be uplifted by having a chat with a loved one!
12th December 2020
Day 12 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Take a Walk
Get back to nature! Find some new woods to walk through, a river to walk along. It doesn’t matter where you go but while your out, appreciate your surroundings! Look at the plants, the sky, hear the birds! Try not to think about you daily hectic life, because right now there is nothing you need to do except enjoy the scenery around you. Even if you can’t walk out in the countryside, once you start to appreciate gardens you walk past etc it will really lift your spirits.
13th December 2020
Day 13 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Clear the Clutter
Spend 30 minutes today, clearing up some clutter! Its amazing how much you can get done when you focus on the job at hand. Have some bags available for donations to charity, recycling and rubbish. Don’t get too involved with the how’s and whys, just grab those bags and get clearing. Be ruthless! If you haven’t used it for 6 months and over, then mostly likely you don’t need it!
14th December 2020
Day 14 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Write A Letter
Get that pen and paper out! When was the last time you wrote a letter? Write it to yourself, a family member, or friend. I have written a letter to myself before, I was completely honest, forgave myself for how I have treated myself, and promised I will look after myself more from now on. Do you have a family member or friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, write to them? Tell them all you have been up to!
15th December 2020
Day 15 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Today I want you to repeat these sentences 5 times, as many times as you can throughout the day!
Affirmations are well known to improve your mental health, when repeated daily. By repeating something daily for 21-66 days, you will start to believe it. Its just like changing a habit! You will feel better, more empowered and confident in yourself.
16th December 2020
Day 16 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Learn something New!
What was your favourite subject at school? What are you really interested?
Why not contact my old friend GOOGLE and start researching it! Find out little facts about your chosen subject! Its amazing how much more confident you will feel once you have started to learn this new information! Is there something new in life that you would like to start being able to do but no why where to start? Look It Up!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
17th December 2020
Day 17 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
What are your hobbies?
What is the one thing is life that you truly love to do? What is your hobby? If you don’t have one right now, what did you used to like doing? Why haven’t you been doing it recently? Its amazing how good you will feel once you start to do it again!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
18th December 2020
Day 18 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Write Your Goals
We have all written new years resolutions before! How many have we ever actually seen through and completed? Well this year has been so crazily different, that we are even going to mix up the new years goals! We aren’t going to write the normal things! We are going to think deeper! What about you as a person would you like to change? What would you do different if you could? Are you fed up of not being organised? Well now’s your time to make those goals and in January set them into motion!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
19th December 2020
Day 19 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
What are you Grateful for?
Tonight, I want you to sit and think about 10 things you are grateful for right now? We are so lost sometimes in our daily life, that we forget to be thankful and grateful for the small things in life. We forget about all the amazing things we have around us! So sit and think tonight. If you come up with 5 that’s ok, if you come up with more than 10 that’s also ok! It’s the fact you have sat and thought about all the positives in your life, rather than focusing on the negatives!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
20th December 2020
Day 20 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Exfoliate, Cleanse and Tone!
Tonight, is the ULTIMATE pamper session for your face! I want you to cleanse, exfoliate, face mask, liquid peel, scrub, moisturise, apply serum and use eye cream! I have been doing this now for over a month, and my skin has changed completely! Less blemishes, clearer and when I apply my make up….. I don’t get streaky lines!! GOAL!
So, get out all those beauty products and spend some time on your skin!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
21st December 2020
Day 21 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Snuggle down and watch a Film!
Whats your favourite film? When was the last time you watched it?
Well tonight is the night! Hot Chocolate, favourite sweets and a blanket! What more could you want ! Remember DON’T THINK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
22nd December 2020
Day 22 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Turn that frown upside down!
Smiling is a great way to lift your mood! You use less muscles smiling than you do frowning! Find things to smile about in your daily life, something your child does, a funny quote online, or your favourite meal! All day I want you to smile!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
23rd December 2020
Day 23 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Write A List
Christmas is getting close and the next few days are going to be slightly manic, so grab a pen and paper and get it all down on paper! Its amazing how much your brain stores of all the little things you do, so rather than letting them swirl around inside you, write it all down and then all you have to do is check it off as you go! Its that simple!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020
24th December 2020
Day 24 of the advent Mental Health Countdown
Ahhhhh are you as excited as I am! It’s CHRISTMAS tomorrow!!!!! It’s certainly been a year to remember sure enough! Well now the only thing we need to worry about is the presents are wrapped, the cookies and milk are out for Father Christmas, don’t forget the carrot!!!! There is nothing more to do now, except RELAX and ENJOY your Christmas!
Thank you so much for joining me on my Mental Health Countdown and I hope you are as ready as I am to kick start the new year with a whole new mindset!
#motherhenmissionadvent #mentalhealthmatters #christmas2020